The Healthy Mind Platter
The same way that we need to feed our bodies for good physical health, we need to feed our minds for good mental health. When we make a plate for dinner, we have different elements to make a balanced meal. The Healthy Mind Platter, developed by Dr Daniel Siegel helps us think about the various experiences our mind needs to be the best it can be. Dr Siegel developed 7 key tenants of the healthy mind platter:
Focus Time
Working towards goal orientated tasks. For some, this is their time in the workplace or personal projects.
Connecting Time
Being with others we care about (ideally in person) or in nature. Spending time with family, going for a bushwalk,
Play Time
Allowing yourself to indulge in creativity or novel activities This could be singing to a song you love in the car, playing tag with the kids or watching a funny video on youtube.
Physical Time
Moving our body (well, we know a great place you can do that!)
Time In
Reflection time, where we ‘go inward’. This can be practices such as journaling, or meditation.
Quality sleep allows the brain to rest and consolidate learning from the days experiences
Time to relax, to let your mind wander and allow yourself to recharge
As you read through…Are there parts of the platter you could spend more conscious time pursuing? Maybe other elements felt more familiar and are easier for you to spend time on?
If you’d like to learn ways to balance your healthy mind platter and learn more about how it supports positive mental health, our team would love to support you. Please contact us to discuss.